Sandy Bothmer
Sandy Bothmer has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois and a Master of Education Degree from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her elementary teaching career spanned twenty years. Currently, in the summer, Sandy teaches Peaceable Classroom practices at the University of Connecticut’s Confratute, the Summer Institute on Enrichment Learning for all students. She is available to present workshops to educators and other groups. Her mission is to help others learn to create inner calm and vitality so that they can navigate their lives with greater ease and vitality.
Sandy is a Reiki Master, Kripalu and Creative Kids Yoga teacher, an Integrative Yoga Therapist, and has a private practice, Integrated Therapeutics, that blends holistic healing practices to meet the needs of each client. As a service, she offers practices to the general public via Facebook, her Blog found on her web site, and her Peaceable Pathways mailing list.