For All the Tea in Zhōngguó
Poems in Translation
Edited by Rodger Martin
Rodger Martin is the managing editor of The Worcester Review and teaches journalism at Keene State College. This is his fourth volume of poetry. He is an artist for the New Hampshire State Arts in Education roster and a touring artist for the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA). He has been awarded an Appalachia Award for poetry and a New Hampshire State Council on the Arts award for fiction. He was born in the amish country of Pennsylvania, lived in England as a child, served as a combat engineer in Vietnam, and spent many years teaching both in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
“Rodger Martin’s impeccable editing opens a wide window into the precise, articulate spirit of Chinese poetry; one reads with wonder as nature discloses such fresh vitality with each verse.”
—B. Eugene McCarthy, PhD, Sound Ideas
“In Rodger Martin’s poems and collaborations with contemporary Chinese poets, translation is less a two-way street than a triangulation. We learn his heartfelt practice of seeking out clues, in many voices, each one leading the seeker a little further into an inexhaustible labyrinth of a language, a culture, an aesthetic, and a poetic tradition as different from the American as can be. If you’ve felt ‘this two-headed universe pounding on our temples,’ here is an art capable of holding it together.”
—Henry Walters, Field Guide A Tempo
6x9, paperback
104 pages
ISBN: 978-1-939449-19-1